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Is Sociology Good For Optional?

Writer: eliteias13eliteias13

If you are a UPSC aspirant, you will realize that it is a highly competitive exam, with many candidates appearing for it. Therefore, only a selected few clear the exam. However, we are sure you will do everything to clear the exam. When clearing the IAS exams, though, how you do in the optional subjects is a critical factor that determines your overall success in the exams.

Performance in the Optional Subjects is critical for UPSC's success.

The UPSC CSE's optional topic test is the key to success. You might not be able to impact the GS Mains test much, but if you pick the proper choice and put in the necessary work, you could potentially lead by 20 to 50 marks in the optional exam. The subject you choose is the first and foremost step. sociology optional coaching Thus, it would be best if you chose the same right. Of the few options available, you might wonder if sociology is suitable as an optional subject. If that is what you are wondering, the following are the main advantages:

How beneficial is Sociology as an optional subject in the UPSC exam?

The UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam's optional sociology subject is highly beneficial. It helps you succeed in the elective topic and the essay and gradually improves your ability to write well-reasoned responses.

Why is Sociology a safe, optional paper to choose from?

Since sociology does not need specialized knowledge or academic training to be prepared as an optional, it is considered a safer choice. In addition, numerous instances have shown that applicants with little prior sociology knowledge performed well on their optional papers.

It is also a reasonably safe elective topic because mastering it doesn't involve specialized knowledge, expertise, or academic training. Moreover, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that candidates with little prior sociological understanding have performed well in this context.

Who should choose Sociology as an optional paper?

Since sociology deals with society, which we are all a part of, any student may choose to take it as an elective. Students with technical abilities might choose sociology as a major in addition to those with a humanities background since sociologists with this background tend to excel in the field's practical applications. However, due to its vast character and lack of specialized training requirements, sociology is also possible for applicants who do not come from the technical or humanities fields.

Additional benefits of choosing Sociology as an optional paper

Apart from this, there are some additional benefits of choosing Sociology as an optional paper. These are as follows:

  • Additionally, sociology aids in the development of a generalized theory on each subject, which increases essay grades.

  • At various exam phases, it aids your interview and communication abilities.

  • Sociology has a shorter curriculum than the other optional courses for the UPSC Civil Services Main Exam.

  • The questions from the theoretical portion of the curriculum are typically asked repeatedly. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about receiving surprises when taking the main test.

  • You won't ever receive a low grade in this elective topic. In contrast to other courses where it might be hard to receive a zero after writing a few pages, too, you can easily create answers from a broad point of view regardless of whether or not you have covered the entire syllabus.

  • The study materials are readily available in the market as well.


To sum up, we can say yes, there are some options regarding optional papers for the UPSC exams. However, out of the many options you have, Sociology has its distinct advantages, and there are valid reasons why you must choose the same. Therefore, if the reasons mentioned match your needs, you must choose Sociology.



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